Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Note for all

This is a little note for all, but also mainly aimed at Leah. All will make sense...

The scene of all the scaled item that leah put together are actually not scaled correctly, In comparison to the ship Nelson was far too big, so, I've rescaled the items and posted them back upto Humyo. To keep the sea animation correct I had to up the number of segments on the plane so it may take a while to load.

Hope the animations are all coming together. Scene six has been created by Richard, and I'd like to offer my greatest thanks for that as he is not an animator.

If anyone is finding that they are at a stand still with waht to do, compilation of scenes would be good. This wasn't really set out as a job but will make it easier as were animating.

See you guys all friday. 10 o'clock please, we've got a lot to do.

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