Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Looking good!

It's good to see people using the joint blog, and the storage site. I hope this is making things easier. Leah has offered to do the animation of Nelson, and has played around (with the help of James W) with making a smoke effect so those two parts of work that James was going to do should be ok. I'm going to have a look over what else was assigned to him and what work other people are doing or have done and re-assign the rest of his work.

If people could help me out by posting up on here what work they have already completed or are working on that would be a great help.

I just wanted to remind everyone that we should have all the mapping completed by Fri, and that the animators should have an idea of what they are doing, so that the animation can be complete by next week.

If anyone is having any problems please let me know.

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